PSN Code Generators, Legit or Scam?

PSN code generators, Legit or Scam?

PlayStation remains the most successful gaming console brand of all time. Now in its fifth generation, the Japanese brand has grown a loyal following with millions of units sold globally. Alongside the popularity of the gaming console is its digital entertainment service, the PlayStation Network (PSN).

To date, PlayStation Network has over 94 million active users. In fact, the digital arm of Sony accounts for 32% of the company’s revenue. But that’s not a surprise considering the enormous amount of entertainment offered at PS Network.

What is the PlayStation Network?

Having a PSN ID makes you part of a global network of players. It opens up an amazing array of exciting and immersive digital entertainment, such as games, movie streaming, social networking, and other online content. To be able to access this digital world of fun, you need to have a PSN Code.

PSN cards are available at local stores, but are also sold online. Gamers and avid fans purchase PSN Cards online to access their favorite digital entertainment, play their favorite games, purchase game add-ons, watch full length movies and TV shows, and subscribe to various other PlayStation offerings.

Aside from buying PSN codes, there are some ways you can get PSN codes online. Numerous PSN account holders scour the Internet, searching  for a PSN code generator that actually works. Why buy when you can actually get it for free, right?

Of course, there will always be those who’ll claim that nothing in the world is free, and that these code generators are a scam. But the fact is that, you can find thousands of free PSN card codes that work on the Internet. You just need diligence as you search for these codes. Some popular ways to secure PSN codes without paying are:

  • Signing up for the PSN Plus 14-day free trial. Although this method will surely earn you free codes, it requires credit card details. You also need to deactivate the account before the 14-day period lapses, or it will automatically  charge  your account.
  • Join survey sites that offer free gift cards or even cash. Survey sites, such as LifePoints or SurveryJunkie, ask you to take surveys and get paid for it. However, these sites do not necessary give out PSN codes. They usually pay in virtual currency or cash, which you can then use to buy a PSN card.
  • Look for sites with free PSN code giveaways. Usually, these sites advertise PSN products and are common during holidays. To be able to get free codes, the site might ask you to follow their page or subscribe. The problem with these promo sites is that there is a very slim chance of winning.
  • Exchange codes through a community website or an online platform. Many people receive PSN gift cards that they might not really use. They usually post the cards on community websites where such exchanges occur. You can trade PSN codes for something that you won’t need, such as an Amazon or iTunes gift check.
  • Lastly, there are PSN code generators where you can find unused codes.

Fortunately, you’ve come to the right site. PSNZone is a website that’s dedicated to giving you PSN codes for free.

However, when something is given for free, it’s all but natural to be skeptical. Perhaps, you’re wondering why people behind it give out free codes? Do PSN Code Generators work? How is it able to generate working codes? Is it legit or a scam?

Surely, it is mind-boggling why someone would give out free access to PSN codes when you can actually sell it. In this post, will tell you everything you need to know about PSN Code Generators. Hopefully, this clears out all questions in your mind, and helps you fully understand and appreciate the people behind it and their mission.

What is a PSN Code?

Basically, a PSN Code is just another marketing name for product vouchers or cards issued by PlayStation Network. These cards are a type of virtual currency that’s used to purchase products within the PlayStation Network.

A PSN code is 12-digit alphanumeric code. Each unique code is consumable only within the PlayStation Network. Any other code that is not validated by PlayStation will not work within the virtual store. These cash cards carry a specific amount ranging between $20 and $100. They can be bought online through the PlayStation Store as well as from other authorized online merchants. You need to use a credit card to shop for cash cards.

If you are suspicious about online purchases, you can also buy them offline at different retail shops, department or grocery stores near you. Free PSN codes that work are actually unused codes that are available online. These codes are valid for use within the PS network and allow you to enjoy digital entertainment for free.

What is a PSN Code Generator?

As the name suggests, a PSN Code Generator is online software that generates free PSN codes that you can redeem through your console. These websites are independently run by a community of PSN gamers and enthusiast willing to share functional codes with others.

Generally, the website that hosts the code generator is part of a large Get-Paid-To (GPT) network of advertising websites. It relies on page visits, so the team behind it works doubly hard to grow its page visitor ship.

While there are a lot of scams on the Internet, there are also legit PSN code generators, such as PSNZone. This website is run by a community of gamers who understand the plight of many other avid players scouring the internet for legit and working PSN codes.

PSNZone’s code generator uploads images of unused PSN card codes that visitors can redeem. Usually, they purchase gift cards and then post them on this site. Since there are lots of other users, just like you, there may be a situation when the code you use doesn’t work. In this case, the code may have already been redeemed and you need to try another.

Every day, the team behind the websites updates their database to ensure that visitors only get legitimate free PSN codes. The team purchases cash cards from the PlayStation Store, with funding sourced from their GPT profits. The more profit there is, the more codes they are able to give out to visitors.

How does a code generator website earn revenue?

For any service to thrive, it needs to have a reliable cash flow behind it. So, you’re probably wondering how these code generators operate and where they get their funds from.

Typically, legit code generator websites have a source of fund to sustain their operations. PSNZone has a sound and sustainable business model that enables it to deliver on its promises. As mentioned above, it hosts third-party GPT sites that pay the website for the service. It also earns from advertisements that are occasionally displayed on the website.

But unlike other click-bait or spammy websites, the PSNZone platform does  not flood visitors with intrusive pop-up ads. Adverts are presented in such a way that they do not obstruct your view. It does not require you to click on any other buttons or even do extraordinary acts to get the code.

How to use the Code Generator?

The website is pretty straightforward. You simply need to click the “Generate” button, then the “Display Code” button. Your free code will be available on your screen.

You don’t have to download any application or fill-up any forms. Just a click is all you need to get free PSN card codes that work. It’s actually easy to spot scam websites because they come with intrusive pop-ups or have you answer surveys or get through many steps before finally accessing the code generator. The problem with such websites is that they might be riddled with malwares that can compromise your security. If a code generator stats off with these telltale signs, better look for another one.

A legit PSN code generator that actually works will not let you go through any other steps. At PSNZone, working codes are distributed on the website servers, not in any other remote application or website. This means that code seekers simply need to click the button to get the free code. The generation happens instantly. No excessive processing and loading times. Absolutely, no delays and waiting.

Does the PSN code generator work?

Unless you’ve tried it for yourself, there will always be a doubt and it’s just but normal to ask: Do PSN code generators work? 

Many have had bad experiences with a lot of scam websites. So, you might be thinking that PSNZone is just another of them. Worry not as this is the real deal. The team purchases real PSN cards from different merchants and publishes them through the code generator.

So far, the team has given out hundreds of free PSN codes and PS Plus codes that work. They expect to give out more codes in the coming future.

The code generator offers a variety of cards that ranges from $10 to $50. When the website has earned a substantial profit, you might be lucky to get a Free PlayStation membership subscription that normal costs around $50. However, to give everyone an equal chance to get free PSN codes, the team has put a $150-limit on the amount any user can get from the code generator. Furthermore, no visitor can use more than one card per day. This sounds a fair deal considering that this is a completely free service. It should also deter selfish users from abusing the system.

The PSN code generator can be accessed wherever you are. Similarly, PSN codes can be used in whatever country you are playing from. They are available in 71 countries across the globe, especially in leading gaming countries such as the US, UK, Spain, Japan, Germany, etc. This gives you a chance to play with some of the best gamers the world over.

If you are still unsure if this PSN code generator actually works, there are numerous testimonials from satisfied visitors. These are legit visitors who have actually tried how the site works, and benefited from the codes generated by it.

Are PSN code generators safe?

When it comes to a reliable PSN code generator, your security and safety must be  top priorities – this is true with PSNZone. The people behind the website ensure that your identity and personal information are protected and safe. This is why the website doesn’t ask anything from you.

It does not aim to get your information, so they can sell it to mailing lists or hackers. It does not ask for your credit card details or any other financial information, so there’s no way they can steal from you. PSNZone even uses secured “https” servers to ensure utmost security.

The community of gamers behind PSNZone even encourages visitors to reach out to them in case there are problems or suspicions of security breaches. You can leave message through their “contact us” box or through social media. Either way, you’re  assured that your concerns are heard.

Final Thoughts

God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Red Dead Redemption 2, Marvel’s Spider Man, and Metal Gear Solid 5 – these are just some of the top games today that are playable with PlayStation. From your favorite games to the latest movies, there’s something in store for you. Opening up an account in PS Network and purchasing PSN cards is indeed worthwhile.

Hopefully, this article has given you information about PSN Code Generators, how it works, and how it will benefit it you. Give the website a try, get your free PSN card codes that work and enjoy the game!